Conscious consumerism focuses on helping to balance some of the negative impacts that consumerism has on the planet.

Responsible consumerism promotes eco-friendly ways of making products, as well as creating only the amount that’s needed. Other factors such as pay equality and humane working practices also drive this type of consumption.

Conscious consumers want to use their individual actions to influence global impact. At best, they will simply avoid brands that are perceived as being unethical but at worst will actively boycott them (or ‘buycott’ as it is now referred to). There are now apps that encourage the sharing of unethical brand behaviour – promoting this kind of negative consumer action.

As conscious consumerism increases, those companies that fall short on ethical business criteria will lose more and more customers – ultimately killing the business if left unchecked.

So to attract the attention of the ever-growing numbers of conscious consumers, your business needs to consider strategies that resonate with this group – for example: